Fr. Raymond Named Next President of Holy Cross Family Ministries

Author: General Administration

Fr Willy Raymond, CSC

The Board of Holy Cross Family Ministries announced on March 3 that Fr. Willy Raymond, C.S.C., will become the organization’s next President on July 1, 2014. He succeeds Fr. John Phalen, C.S.C., who has been President of HCFM since 1996.

HCFM continues the work begun by Servant of God, Fr. Patrick Peyton, C.S.C., to spread the practice of the family rosary. Fr. Peyton popularized the phrases that “the family that prays together, stays together” and that “a world at prayer is a world at peace.”

Learn more about Servant of God Fr. Peyton

Fr John Phalen with Pope Benedict XVI

“We thank Father John for his years of service to Holy Cross Family Ministries and all his efforts to advance this long-standing apostolate of the Congregation,” said Fr. Tom O’Hara, C.S.C., Superior of the United States Province.

When Fr. Phalen arrived at HCFM in 1996 to implement many organizational changes to Holy Cross Family Ministries. He moved the organization’s headquarters from Albany, New York, where Fr. Peyton began the Family Rosary Crusade, to North Easton, Massachusetts, in 2000.

During his tenure, Fr. Phalen brought a diverse of ministries – Family Rosary, Family Theater Productions, Family Rosary International, and the Father Peyton Family Institute – into one cohesive organization. He also oversaw the expansion of HCFM into all the countries in which the Congregation serves.

Explore the website of Holy Cross Family Ministries

Fr. Raymond, who takes over HCFM, has been serving as Director of Family Theater Productions since 2000. At Family Theater Productions. Fr. Raymond has been responsible for considerable outreach in Hollywood. From actors and actresses who seek spiritual guidance through Family Theater’s mission outreach to Catholics working in Hollywood, to board members and donors who support Catholic media, Fr. Raymond has been a friend and spiritual.

“We extend our congratulations and support to Father Willy Raymond,” said Fr. O’Hara. “He brings much experience and familiarity with all aspects of the ministry to his new role.”