Br. Pierre-Evenn de Fremond, C.S.C. Professes Final Vows in France

Author: General Administration

Br. Pierre-Evennde Fremond, C.S.C. Professes Final Vows in France

The Congregation of Holy Cross’s Mother Province in France celebrated with great joy and solemnity the Final Profession of Br. Pierre-Evenn de Fremond, C.S.C., on Saturday, June 22. The Mass was held in the chapel at L’Institut Notre-Dame d'Orveau, where Br. Pierre had been a student before joining Holy Cross.

The evening before, a prayer service with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament brought together around thirty people to pray for Br. Pierre-Evenn, as well as for peace in the world and for more vocations to the religious life.

Then on Saturday morning, more than 350 people joined the Mother Province and Br. Pierre-Evenn’sfamilyin the day’s festivities, including his Novitiate classmates from the United States Province of Priests and Brothers.

Fr. Paul Valentin, C.S.C., Superior of the Mother Province, presided at the Mass and received Br. Pierre-Evenn’s vows. The gospel for the day came from Matthew 11:25-30.“Father, what you have hidden from the wise and learned, you have revealed to little ones. ”In his homily, Fr. Valentin spoke about the particular vocation of the religious brother within the Church and Holy Cross.

Later in the day, after Evening Prayer, the community gathered again with family and friends to share a long, delicious meal of French cuisine. It was a joyful, fraternal ending to a beautiful day.

Learn more about vocations to the Congregation of Holy Cross

Br. Pierre-Evennde Fremond, C.S.C. Professes Final Vows in France

Br. Pierre-Evenn de Fremond, C.S.C., is a native of Rennes in France. A graduate of the Congregation’s school in Orveau, he made his novitiate in the United States and pronounced First Vows on August 1, 2020. Br. Pierre-Evenn holds a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Theology from Holy Cross College in Notre Dame, Indiana. Philosophy is his favorite subject, but he has also developed an interest in theology. Br. Pierre-Evenn is a man of deep faith who sees community as “the bedrock of religious life.” He enjoys adapting to different communities, as that has enabled him to “discover the world through my own brothers.”