Congregation Announces Special Novena for Blessed Basile Moreau’s Canonization

Author: General Administration

Blessed Basile Moreau

The Congregation of Holy Cross announced that a special novena to pray for the canonization of Blessed Basile Moreau, the Congregation’s founder, will begin on Thursday, May 30, and conclude on Friday, June 7, the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The novena is part of the official closing of the celebrations of the 150th Anniversary of the entry of Blessed Basile Moreau into eternal life.

The novena is available for download on the Congregation’s international website in English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. It will be also shared daily on the “Friends of Moreau” social media platforms of Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin, which seek to promote devotion to the Holy Cross founder and the other members in the process of canonization.

The celebrations of the 150th Anniversary of Blessed Basile Moreau’s entry into eternal life began back on January 20, 2023. Since then, various celebrations, workshops, retreats, and other events have been held throughout the Congregation. 

Read more about the 150th Anniversary

In calling for this year of celebration, the 2022 General Chapter specifically mentioned that this year would be “a special time to pray for his canonization.”

The novena for Blessed Basile Moreau’s canonization, which was prepared by the Congregation’s Commission for Consecrated Life and Heritage, is based on prayers from the Shrine of Blessed Basil Moreau at Notre-Dame de Sainte-Croix Church in Le Mans, France.

Relic of Moreau in front of his tomb during the inauguration of the shrine

During this year of celebration, the Congregation has received several reports of favors, including miraculous healings, received through the intercession of Blessed Basil Moreau. While as of yet none of them are cases that could be presented to the Dicastery for the Causes of the Saints for the miracle needed for his canonization, there is no doubt that the Congregation’s founder is a powerful intercessor. The Congregation thus invites people to turn with ever greater confidence to Blessed Basile Moreau with their needs.

Along with the novena, a special Mass will be held at St. Julien’s Cathedral in Le Mans, France, on Sunday, June 9, to mark the end of the 150th Anniversary Year. The Mass is being organized by the Shrine of Blessed Basile Moreau, and the Most Rev. Jean-Pierre Vuillemin, Bishop of the Diocese of Le Mans, will preside. Over twenty Holy Cross brothers and priests from around the world will be in Le Mans those days on a pilgrimage to visit the sites of the Congregation’s origins and participate in the close Mass. Their participation is a wonderful sacrament of how the Holy Cross charism continues to bring hope throughout the world.