Final Profession in Haiti Brings Hope and Joy

Author: General Administration

Final Vows Haiti

The Congregation’s Province of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Haiti gathered on September 22 at College Notre-Dame du Perpétuel Secours in Cap-Haïtien, where the first Holy Cross missionaries arrived in 1944, to celebrate the Final Profession of Mr. Jose-Etnour Lainé, C.S.C. The theme for the Mass, chosen by Mr. Lainé, was Hebrews 10:9–“Here I am, I have come to do your will.” Fr. Rosemond Marcelin, C.S.C., Superior of the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Province, presided at the Mass and received the vows of Mr. Lainé.

Given all that the people in Haiti have suffered recently and the challenges that they continue to face, it was a moment of great hope and joy both for the Holy Cross community and the family of Jose-Etnour, as well as the other lay faithful and religious who participated in theMass and subsequent celebration.

The following day, September 23, Mr. Lainé was ordained a deacon by the Most Rev. Quesnel Alphonse, S.M.M., Bishop of the Diocese of Fort-Libertéin Sacred Heart Parish in Cap-Haïtien. During his diaconate, he will serve at College Notre-Dame du Perpétuel Secours, from where he himself graduated.

Read more about the work of Holy Cross in Haiti

Final Vows Haiti

Deacon Jose-Etnour Lainé, C.S.C., was the fourth of five children of a devout Catholic family in Cap-Haïtien. He made his First Profession on August 28, 2016. After studying philosophy at the Grand Séminaiare Interdiocésan Notre Dame d’Haïti, he proceeded to Centre Inter-Instituts de Formation Religieuse for theology. Jose-Etnour has devotions to our Founder, Blessed Basile Moreau, as well as Mary and St. Joseph. Zealous for ministry, his pastoral experiences include an internship at Pére Joseph Le Pévédic School and Collége Sainte-Croix du Limbé.

Deacon Lainé is the 34th religious to profess Final Vows for the Congregation of Holy Cross in the months of August and September, with the previous eight in Bangladesh, ten in the United States, nine in East Africa, and six in India.