Holy Cross Family Celebrates 175 Years of Presence in Louisiana

Author: General Administration

St. Louis Cathedral

One hundred and seventy-five years ago, five Holy Cross Brothers and three Marianite Sisters made the long journey by riverboat and stagecoach to New Orleans, Louisiana, to take charge of St. Mary’s Orphanage. Since then, despite the onslaught of epidemics, floods, and hurricanes, Holy Cross religious have faithfully remained and continue to serve the Church and People of God in Louisiana.

In New Orleans, Holy Cross School and the University of Holy Cross, sponsored respectively by the Moreau Province and the Marianites of Holy Cross, are testimonies of Holy Cross’s long-standing presence in Louisiana.

This milestone was magnificently celebrated by the Marianites of Holy Cross and the Congregation of Holy Cross on Sunday, April 28, with a Mass of Thanksgiving in the historic St. Louis Cathedral, the oldest cathedral in the United States.

Learn more about the ministries of the Marianites of Holy Cross

Holy Cross Family Celebrates 175 Years of Presence in Louisiana

Sr. Ann Lacour, M.S.C., Marianite Congregational Leader, gave words of welcome to the hundreds of friends, family, former students, colleagues, and benefactors who packed the Cathedral for the Mass, which was celebrated by the Fr. Patrick Williams, a graduate of both Holy Cross School and University of Notre Dame. Music was provided by the combined St. Louis Cathedral and Holy Cross School choirs.

Br. Paul Bednarczyk, C.S.C., Superior General, offered a post-Communion reflection. He spoke on the evolution of the Holy Cross mission today and the importance of lay partnership in mission. Br. Paul also profoundly thanked the Marianites of Holy Cross for their loving service, compassion, and faithful gospel witness to the people of Louisiana.

Among the Holy Cross Brothers and Priests present for the celebration was Br. Thomas Dziekan, Superior of the Moreau Province. In true New Orleans style, as people exited the Cathedral, they were greeted by jazz played by the Holy Cross School band. A festive reception for invited guests later concluded the day at Holy Cross School.

We thank Pat Garin Photographer, LLC, (www.patgarinphotographer.com)for permission to use these pictures.