Saint Joseph’s Oratory Celebrates Month of St. Brother André

Author: General Administration

Saint Joseph’s Oratory Celebrates Month of St. Brother André

Saint Joseph’s Oratory celebrates August as the Month of St. Brother André because the Congregation of Holy Cross’s first canonized saint was born on August 9, 1845. Throughout the month, there are various events to celebrate St. André and deepen devotion to him.

The first major event is a triduum celebration from August 6-8, leading up to the anniversary of St. André’s birthday. This year’s theme, preached by Fr. Marcel Blanchard, was “Brother André, a Model for Us Today”.

On August 9, there were several special events, including free admission to the museum, the sharing of a birthday cake on the terrace, and a carillon recital in the afternoon. The day culminated with Solemn Mass in the Main Basilica at 7:30 pm, with Fr. Mario Lachapelle, C.S.C., who was Vice Postulator when St. André was canonized, presiding. After Mass, there was a candlelit procession to the original chapel built by St. André.

A new event on the calendar this year was a special Mass in the Main Basilica on Saturday, August 24, organized by Saint Joseph Oratory’s new and growing youth ministry. Organized by the youth themselves, the Mass concluded with a time of Eucharistic Adoration, followed by a beautiful candlelit Procession with the Blessed Sacrament from the Basilica to the iconic statue of St. Joseph on Queen Mary Road.

Read more about what is happening at St. Joseph's Oratory

Saint Joseph’s Oratory Celebrates Month of St. Brother André

The month concluded with the 68th annual pilgrimage to Mont-Saint-Grégoire, the birthplace of St. André, on Sunday, August 25. Close to 400 people participated this year, with some flying in from as far away as Los Angeles, California. Also joining the pilgrimage were the members of the Congregation’s Consecrated Life and Heritage Commission who were in town for their annual meeting.

The pilgrimage began with Mass at St. André’s home parish. The local Bishop of the Diocese of Saint-Hyacinthe, Most Rev. Christian Rodembourg, MSA, presided and preached. He invited the pilgrims like St. Peter in the gospel and St. André in his life to deepen their commitment to Jesus Christ.

Following lunch at a local restaurant, the pilgrims stopped by the site of St. André’s childhood home, where a monument has been erected and maintained by the Oratory. There the pilgrims gathered to seek St. André’s intercession for themselves, their loved ones, and others in need around the world.

Born Alfred Bessette, St. André was a humble Holy Cross Brother who became known as the "Miracle Man of Montreal" because of the many people who were miraculously cured through his prayers and the intercession of St. Joseph. His ministry began as a doorkeeper at Collège Notre-Dame du Sacré-Cœur in Montreal, but as his ministry to the sick and infirm grew, he built a small oratory to St. Joseph across the street on Mount-Royal.

Saint Joseph’s Oratory Celebrates Month of St. Brother André

As more and more people came to seek healing and solace, Br. André dreamed of a larger shrine to his patron, and with the help of many, the plans were made and construction was begun on what today is Saint Joseph's Oratory, the largest shrine in the world dedicated to the husband of Mary and the foster-father of Jesus. Over 2 million people visit Saint Joseph's Oratory each year, where they find the welcoming and healing ministry of St. André continues to live on. It is one of two "Congregational Patrimonies" in Holy Cross for the way in which its ministry incarnates the Congregation's charism, especially as it was manifested in its first canonized saint.