
Prayer for the 150th Anniversary of
Blessed Basile Moreau’s Entry into Eternal Life
Blessed Basile Moreau
Loving God, 
you gave your servant, Blessed Basil Moreau, 
a burning desire to make you known, loved, and served, 
and inspired him to found a religious family 
zealous to respond to the needs of the Church 
and to extend the reign of Jesus Christ on earth. 
As we celebrate his entrance into eternal life, 
may we find inspiration in his holiness, 
consolation in his intercession, 
and strength in his fidelity to the Cross, 
so as to follow in the footsteps of your Son, 
who lives and reigns with you, 
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, 
God, forever and ever. Amen. 

Leader: Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Assembly: have mercy on us.
Leader: Our Lady of Sorrows,
Assembly: pray for us.
Leader: Saint Joseph,
Assembly: pray for us.

(Prayer translations: EspañolFrançaisPortuguese, Bangla)

Prayer for the Intercession of Blessed Moreau
Blessed Basile Moreau Tomb
Lord Jesus,
source of all that is good,
you inspired Basile Moreau
to found the religious family of Holy Cross
to continue your mission among the People of God.
May he be for us a model of apostolic life,
an example of fidelity,
and an inspiration as we strive to follow you.
Lord Jesus,
you said, “Ask and you shall receive.”
We come to ask you that you hear our prayer.
It is through the intercession of Basile Moreau that we ask …
(state your intention)
May we learn to imitate his holiness and service
and look to him confidently in times of need.
Collect from the Memorial of Blessed Moreau
Blessed Basile Moreau
O God, who in your ineffable Providence, 
chose your priest, Blessed Basile, 
to imitate the virtues of the Holy Family 
and respond to the needs of the Church, grant, 
we beseech you, that, supported by his prayers and example, 
we may have the strength to boldly confess 
the Cross of Christ as our only hope.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, 
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, 
one God, forever and ever. 
Prayer for the 150th Anniversary of
Blessed Basile Moreau’s Entry into Eternal Life
Dios amoroso, 
diste a tu siervo, Beato Basilio Moreau, 
un deseo ferviente para hacerte conocido, amado y servido, 
y lo inspiraste a fundar una familia religiosa 
fiel de responder a las necesidades de la Iglesia 
y de extender el reino de Jesucristo en la tierra.
Al celebrar su entrada a la vida eterna, 
encontremos en su santidad la inspiración, 
en su intercesión la consolación, 
y en su fidelidad a la Cruz, la fuerza, 
para así seguir las huellas de tu Hijo, 
que vive y reina contigo 
en la unidad del Espíritu Santo, 
y es Dios, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. 

Guía: Sagrado Corazón de Jesús,
Asamblea: ten piedad de nosotros.
Guía: Nuestra Señora de los Dolores,
Asamblea: Ora por nosotros.
Guía: San José
Asamblea: Ora por nosotros.

Prayer for the 150th Anniversary of 
Blessed Basile Moreau's Entry into Eternal Life (Francais)

Dieu d’amour,
tu as donné à ton serviteur,
le Bienheureux Basile Moreau,
un désir ardent de te faire connaître, aimer et servir,
et tu l’as inspiré à fonder une famille religieuse
zélée pour répondre aux besoins de l’Église,
et d’étendre le règne de Jésus-Christ sur la terre.

Alors que nous célébrons son entrée dans la vie éternelle,
puissions-nous trouver l’inspiration dans sa sainteté,
la consolation dans son intercession,
etla force dans sa fidélité à la Croix,
afin de suivre les traces de Ton Fils,
qui vit et règne avec toi,
dans l’unité du Saint Esprit, Dieu,
pour les siècles des siècles. Amen.

Célébrant: Sacré-Cœur de Jésus,
Assemblée:  Ayez pitié de nous !
Célébrant: Notre Dame des Douleurs,
Assemblée:  Priez pour nous !
Célébrant: Saint Joseph,
Assemblée:  Priez pour nous !

Prayer for the 150th Anniversary of
Blessed Basile Moreau’s Entry into Eternal Life (Portuguese)

Amoroso Deus,
Vós concedestes ao vosso servo, o Beato Basílio Moreau,
um ardente desejo de tornar-vos conhecido, amado e servido.
Ao mesmo tempo inspirou-o a fundar uma família religiosa
cheia de zelo em atender às necessidades da Igreja
e em estender o reino de Jesus Cristo na terra. 

Ao celebrarmos a sua entrada na vida eterna
vos pedimos que possamos encontrar inspiração em sua santidade,
consolação por meio de sua intercessão
e força em sua fidelidade à Cruz.
De modo a seguirmos as pegadas de vosso Amado Filho,
que vive e reina convosco,
na unidade do Espírito Santo,
por todos os séculos dos séculos. Amém.

Dirigente: Sagrado Coração de Jesus.
Assembleia: tende misericórdia de nós.
Dirigente: Nossa Senhora das Dores
Assembleia: rogai por nós
Dirigente: São José
Assembleia: rogai por nós.

Prayer for the 150th Anniversary of 
Blessed Basile Moreau's Entry into Eternal Life (Bangla)
Prayer Moreau Bangla