
Prayer to Saint André for Healing
St André at Notre Dame in 1890
Saint André,
I come to you in prayer for healing.
(state your intention)
You were no stranger to illness.
Plagued by stomach problems,
you knew suffering on a daily basis,
but you never lost faith in God.
Thousands of people have sought your healing touch
as I do today.
Pray that I might be restored to health
in body, soul and mind.
With St. Joseph as my loving Protector,
strengthen my faith and give me peace
that I might accept God’s will for me
no matter what the outcome.
Prayer for the Intercession of Saint André
St André at 80 in 1925
you have chosen Brother André
to spread devotion to Saint Joseph,
and to dedicate himself
to all those who are poor and afflicted.
Grant through his intercession
the favor that we now request ...
(state your intention)
Grant us the grace
to imitate his piety and charity,
so that, with him,
we may share the reward promised
to all who care for their neighbors out of love for you.
We make this prayer in the name of Jesus the Lord.
Collect from the Memorial of St. André

St André Bessette

Lord our God,
friend of the lowly,
who gave your servant, Saint André Bessette,
a great devotion to Saint Joseph
and a special commitment to the poor and afflicted,
help us through his intercession
to follow his example of prayer and love
and so come to share with him in your glory.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
Prayer to St. André - Patron of Home Caregivers
St. André Bessette

Day after day, you welcomed with love and compassion
those who came to you to share in their suffering. 
You were well acquainted with fatigue from long hours dedicated
to the service of others.
Who, better than you, can understand the exhaustion of women
and men who devote themselves day after day to the service of
a dear one marked by illness?
Who, better than you, can relate to the suffering of sick persons
and with their contentment in having someone near them, willing
to take care of them day after day?
O patron saint of home caregivers, help us every day to somehow
find the strength to love the people whom we serve and the joy in
receiving their love in return.
With you, we bring our happiness and our heartaches to the feet
of the Lord.
With you, we commend ourselves to Saint Joseph and the Virgin Mary.
With you, we turn towards God our Father,
the source of every grace and every good thing.

© Saint Joseph’s Oratory of Mount Royal